There is no hell!

"There is no hell! "

These words are repeated day in and day out the world over. 

Q If there is no hell, why was Jesus tortured and crucified on a cross?  

The Bible tells us that he could have called 10,000 angels to rescue him from such affliction, e.g.

Matthew 26:53

Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?

But Jesus chose not to be rescued.  He chose to suffer and die instead. 


If there is no hell, why would Jesus willingly suffer agony, rejection and death?  Was he a masochist?  

Take a look at the video and you decide.

To read a more graphic account of Jesus' death from a medical perspective (if you have the stomach for it that is), click hereIf not, carry on reading...

God is a Holy God.  He cannot accept sin into heaven (any sin that is, whether it be telling a 'little white lie', stealing, gossiping, adultery, fornication.... right across the board to murder).  Nothing of this sort will ever be found in heaven.  That is why it is called 'Heaven', i.e. a place where there is no evil or sin of any kind.

Bad news

The bad news is it doesn't look good for any of us when we consider such!  We have 'all' sinned and come short of the glory of God.  If we think we have no sin, we deceive ourselves (or are deluded).  

Basically, we have all fallen short of the high standards God requires for us to enter to enter Heaven when we die (or for us to enter into God's presence in the 'here and now', but that's altogether another post).

The good news is there is hope!  

Jesus loved us so much that he gave his life as a sin offering in our place so we don't need to face the wrath of hell which our sin deserves.  God has set hell as the punishment for sin, but Jesus took our punishment when he hung on the cross.

We don't have to perish in hell.  God has made it possible for us to escape this punishment through Jesus, e.g.   

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish* but have eternal life.

* John was referring to perishing in the Lake of fire (or hell).

If you say there is no hell--think again!  Jesus didn't go through the pain and punishment of the cross for nothing!  

We have no excuse
  • The punishment of sin, i.e. hell was set by a Holy God
  • The payment for sin was provided through Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross
  • The pathway in the opposite direction of hell has been laid down through Jesus

In which direction are you walking?  Heaven or hell?

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